Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Other world

Take me to a distant manor
where the sky doesn't exist
and the fire and the water melt.

Take me to a distant paradise

where the birds always sing
and the rain never falls

Take me to a distant planet

where we can walk upside-down
and fly like angels to the stars.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ministrel in the dark

You, my minstrel of winter snow
I wait into the wind's blow
I hear out  your mystic music flows
Catching your magic glimmer glow

I, a sadic mistress of distress 

scowling in my scarlet dress
scrawling  a scrubby scratch
scrap of a screaming caress

We, fill with fire the finest feeling

we share foolish phantoms of love
full of fragile phobias from above
and fantasy story of old glory

Mine, the kiss of the miss in the bliss

yours, you miss the messy hiss' abyss
We, look at the murk cracking up..

Madness dream

Hard wind of madness
educational style in
phantomatic cargo,
while this moody child
honeymoon in blue...

Pirate of  infinity
illegal delirium
religious disillusion
crawl in my senses...

Forever young
in your dirty clothes,
welcome in the freak show...

Possible? It is, all
through the glass of a fake window...

Japanese shadows in a dream.